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Here we go!

Heh. One step forward toward a weekly blog update. So June is quite close, only two days away, and all the children from middle and high school will be free for the summer! The weather is nice, and I am able to enjoy the days with my family!

Well anyway, some updates!

I have been working on pages for Princess Flux: Journeys of the Abstract Princess. I have a month's worth of pages all drafted. I am currently about 5/8 through the rough sketches. One page needs to be shaded and maybe re-inked from what I'm doing with the later pages. I actually have a "break" page to somewhat signify the five "pages" I originally broke down in the script. I consider them "pages" because what I have been finding that each page that I made last year could actually be broken into two or three pages. So even though I plan on doing 5 pages in theory, I end up doing at most 15 pages for each section.

It is also a convenient way for me to break up my folders. I had noticed my folders were becoming unruly, and I have even started making folders within folders.

Currently I have a general "Princess Flux" folder for the comic related material (I have another for Maya models which I really should change the name of to avoid confusion in the future). Within the comic Princess Flux folder there are three folders: chapter 1, page scans, and concept art.

In a sense, every 5 "pages" consist of a chapter, but I wrote the story thus far as one chapter if it was to be read straight through as a novella. I may rethink the naming convention as I move forward. Page scans are basically the photographs of decent sketches I have done for the comic that I would use as rough sketches. Concept art is where I store...well the concept art and other assets that aren't Maya related in one central location. I'm already layers deep to get to the general Princess Flux folder, I can only suspect it will go deeper moving onward.

As for everything else....

I am currently still on track for the Kyrie Art Challenge. I'm on Day 13: New Side Quest. I have Day 12, but it probably isn't posted at the release of this blog.

I haven't gotten very far with the animation or storyboarding, but I have taken on an animation challenge with the theme of wind due this Friday. It's about a wind bender encountering with a wind demon. I think it's funny, but other people may not. We'll see. I have to make the animation a bit more smooth!

I also got into making portraits of original characters:

They are so fun to do since I'm studying how lighting works on the face, and it feels like I"m applying makeup to character faces and attempting to make it look nice through blending. Below was the corrected version of a drawing I decided to revisit and blend a bit more.


I know yall were the girl, have seen the girl, or told a girl that she didn't blend her makeup correctly. Nobody got on me for the blending faux pas, but I caught myself with it. haha

Anyways, I'm hoping to focus on finishing any further weekly animation challenges and my initial goals set out in my initial blog for the upcoming month.

Have faith in me!

Ja ne!

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