2 min read
Happy Independence Day!
Or Independance Day if you don't use spell check. Anyway, this week hasn't been as productive as I would like! I need to plan out my days...
4 min read
July around the Corner; June Reflections
June like the other months was blessed with highs and cursed with unproductive lows. I hit a stage where I was in an artistic slump and...
4 min read
My head in the clouds
A few real life things had cropped up and demanded my attention that I would otherwise use in making art. One of them being a family...
2 min read
Keeping it Steady
June is finally here, and little to no headway has begun since I last updated. At least there is some progress? I'm actually checking in...

3 min read
Here we go!
Heh. One step forward toward a weekly blog update. So June is quite close, only two days away, and all the children from middle and high...